Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Our Spiritual Authority

My Uncle Carl Nill had a ministry called “Victory in Christ.” That is the first time I ever heard that we were to walk in Victory over the enemy. He had a radio program in the 30s (that’s the 1930s) during which he and his sisters (including my mom Bernice Nill) would sing and testify for the Lord. They were not Charismatic or Pentecostal. They were Evangelicals who believed the Bible. And over the years we learned more and more about walking by faith, living according to God’s principles and in covenant with Him and expecting Him (as King of our lives) to provide all we have need for. Today I have retained to tell the story.
Well, the devil is a thief and a liar. He attempts to spoil people’s plans. He has robbed and stolen life, health, peace, joy, finances. He has brought untimely death, torment, fear, worry, anxiety, and poverty. But he is the loser, because we (as Believers) know the Lord and are applying His promises in the Word.

My brother, John, his wife Mona, and daughter Shawn were all thrown from the family’s pick-up back in the summer of 1989 as they drove along a county road taking their sheep to show at the county fair. their pick-up truck was hit broadside by a teenage driver who did not stop at an intersection. The truck rolled over my brother John and at the age of 39 he died instantly. Only his daughter Amy escaped with little injury. His wife Mona needed a hip replacement – and that hip often bothers her yet today. There was no way to bring John back to life or even say "goodbye". He had massive internal injuries and in an instant was gone. Now I know he went to heaven, but his family was robbed. We were all robbed. His employer was robbed of John’s productivity the publishing where he was the web press production manager. His witness as a community leader, as a neighbor, as a dad and as my brother were all snuffed out by our enemy, the devil.

My dad – Clarence Steiner – died at the young age of 55 (back in November of 1957 when I was just a 9 year old. He had a stroke in the summer and God healed him and gave him 5 or 6 more months. But he had a second stroke and died in the hospital. The doctors couldn’t do anything for him – back then. I was robbed of having a dad to show me the way, and I suffered for it for years. Still today I learn things they way they should be done – the normal way – the wise way – the best way. I had to try to figure it all out for myself because the devil stole my dad from me. and as a result, I have tried to pass along to my kids the values, principles, and life lessons that I learned the hard way so that they could (as it were) step off from my shoulders instead of starting nearly from scratch. And I am so proud of them for the godly lives of excellence they lead and for their spouses and families.

I have cause and am rightfully mad at the devil – that thief and robber. John 10:10 says that the devil comes to steal and to kill and to destroy, but Jesus has come to give us life and that in abundance. Our enemy has intruded into our lives where he has no right. He has tried to victimize us, but we are not controlled or enslaved by him. We have been set free. God's truth has been revealed, and we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus who loves us and died to give us the victory!
So we take our authority in Jesus Christ over the devil. In His authority and in His Name, we cast satan down and place him under our feet. No longer will this enemy appear to have the upper hand in our lives. No longer will he put fear in us or cause us to worry or be anxious about anything. He has no authority over anyone’s life in the Steiner or Korell relations… no authority over the Moores, Halls, or Nills, or Zolgs, or Macys.….and on and on.... including all our friends and all who name the Name of Jesus as Savior and Lord. The devil is bound from destroying or stealing from us any longer! We have been freed! We walk confidently and boldly - daily - in the Lord and the power of His Word.

As Oral Roberts used to say, "Stop it, devil, that's enough! In the authority of Jesus' Name!"So we speak total healing and restoration in each of our lives in every area in which we have experienced devastation – financial healing comes, physical healing comes, restoration in every area comes now! Our family lineage is being extended by the grace of Almighty God. We speak life and health and abundance to ourselves and to our kids and their families! Thank You, Jesus! It’s all because of You! Amen

We take back what the devil has stolen - lives stolen in their prime, lives stolen even before birth. The curse is broken in Jesus' Name! Everyone in this Steiner family will all live out our entire - full lives for the glory and praise of the Lord. We proclaim abundant life -prosperity - financial fortunes restored, fear broken, faith increasing, and blessing coming in abundance! God gets all the glory in and through our lives. He is our protector, deliverer, shelter from the storms of life, our perfect peace, as we rest in Him and trust Him... for who else can we trust like we can trust Jesus? He is worthy of all our praise!

So whether you are part of our family or not, if you name the Name of Jesus as your Lord and covering, we have been redeemed from the curse. He has bought and paid for us, and this promise is for us all. Grab hold to Him and never let Him go. He promises never to leave us nor forsake us.